The Rise in Tiny Homes
What are they? Tiny homes are a cleverly thought-out space-and-money-saving solution to contain all your present-day home necessities into one small space, enabling people to avoid facing the crippling costs of modern day living. People are rebelling against the cost of living in a radical yet innovative way, seeking to make the best use of their living area and their finances.
On average tiny home dwellers, unsurprisingly, find themselves with a little extra spare cash since 78% of them own their own home compared with 65% of regular home owners. These stats are based in the United States of America since the trend seems to be more popular there than in the UK. However, it doesn’t solely remain as a solution for the mortgage footloose and fancy frees.
It is better to be a free man in a small house than a slave in a big one.
Norwegian Proverb
The US have also been quick to act on the housing problems posed by the pandemic and created developments of tiny homes. They’ve taken on a realistic view of today’s family dynamic and specifically set out to provide rental solutions for single families. The tiny, yet luxury homes enable people to live in the place they want to and not be affected by the inflation in the buyers’ market.

enormous houses like this one will be gone soon and only to be visited as a relic and former status of the past
Despite not necessarily being as cost effective in terms of price per square metre, that’s understandable given what’s generally crammed in to such a small area. They are, unsurprisingly cheaper to build, with the average construction and finish of a tiny home costing around $60,000, whilst an average single-family new build sales price sits around the $390,000 mark.
Since Old Town Clovis, California, was revamped, many local residents wanted to be a part of the changes and boost the economy whilst in turn increasing their livelihood. Plans were offered to local homeowners for free to build a second dwelling on their own land, an attractive prospect for many since they didn’t need to pay out for the land, or the plans allowing them to create a relatively affordable option. With many other states and countries cottoning onto the idea it’s not a fad that we’re likely to see fade out any time soon.

the lovely town Old Town Clovis in California goes above and beyond for its citizens
For something closer to home, check out this blog detailing their vision for the dream tiny home community in Mallorca! Each home is built on wheels and completely bespoke to the homeowner’s preference. Their design and vision are somewhat inspiring and they even have a showroom you can visit!
The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking larger homes, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less with larger groups of friends
The question on everyone’s lips however is where do I store all my stuff? Whilst it’s clear these homes are not even for the mildest of hoarders, never mind multiple children, the market seems to be selective in favour of young professionals or retirees seeking to live a more simplistic lifestyle without having to give up the mod cons. When people live a life with less it can be an absolute liberation to not need or keep unnecessary things. The added bonus of course of not having to be the host of dinner parties you can keep your space clear and save the mess for someone else’s house, what are friends for after all?