Post Lockdown Mindset
Didn’t we all vow to do a little more of this and a little less of that, be a bit more, be a bit less? Has something sinister happened to our promises to ourselves, have they mysteriously vanished along with our New Years resolutions? I mean, we had enough time to think about what we were going to change didn’t we? So many questions. I for one would like to know why the world has gone back to a state of ungratefulness.
Ok… I admit that is a broad statement and admittedly not true for the whole world, of course. However, many people spoke of the changes post lockdowns and I daresay many, or all of us in fact have experienced change of some sort, also because change is the one guaranteed thing in this life. Do any of you create time to reflect on what we learned during this time?

it is said that planning things to do is already a big accomplishment on its own
Post lockdown life for some has felt like an overwhelming, anxiety inducing non-stop fairground ride. This feeling which has been shared by many and leaves the residing feeling of disappointment for the loss of our slower pace and new found appreciation for the small things in life. Not to say that we miss lockdown of course but for the more introverted people I think there has been a sense of solitude that’s now lost and overtaken by the fear of missing out, the increase in activity, pressure and stress that comes with it. Necessary changes were made for many, heart-breaking decisions made by some, business closures, family changes, unwitnessed births, deaths and intimate moments lost.
I don’t understand why it’s been more than a year and I still haven’t done all the things my wife asked me to
The first time we stepped out and were able to walk freely was emotional for many, we realised what it felt like to be somewhat free, we appreciated nature, the sounds, the smells and time spent with loved ones again. Those things that really matter which money can’t buy. Of course, life still goes on, businesses need to be run, the bills paid and public services resumed, food put on the table and so on. It isn’t possible for everyone to permanently adopt a slower pace of life.
The increase in flexible working is a start, the savings many premises are making on rent is incredible, the reduction in pollution is great for the environment is too. Still, I can’t help but feel personally from what I see around me that we have all slipped back to the grindstone, faster paced, taking things for granted, wasting precious resources and living almost panicked needing to do everything now. It’s quite stressful, some of us are running around like headless chickens in order to seemingly make up for lost time. I don’t know what the solution is but it’s clear to me that this isn’t the answer.
Harvard Study states: If a resolution fails it has a 90% chance it’s more likely the lack of commitment to it than the resolution being unreasonably difficult
With restrictions on travel it makes it harder to holiday, visit loved ones and so on. I guess we could make a conscious effort to note the changes that we wished to make, step back a moment and allow ourselves to see what’s happened since and reflect on if we are happy with where we are now, and if not, why? I personally crave the tranquillity, the calmness, the walking on the beach, the stopping and listening to the birds. Those beautiful moments often missed by the chaotic nature of modern day living which my body rejects yet is addicted to all at once. Can we make a promise to ourselves to honour our right as a human being to go a little easier on ourselves, to not rush, to not worry so much and just to sit back and appreciate a little more and complain a little less? For we have all come a long way.
Photo by Tim Mossholder